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Filegoat is the most user-friendly and fastest file sharing service on the Internet. To the question How to upload files online fast Google has the right answer, which is: Filegoat!

On filegoat you can conveniently, easily and securely upload one or more files and share them with your friends, colleagues or partners. We make sure that our service is always reliable, fast and frustration-free. Neither a login nor a registration is necessary to realize your file upload.

Our file sharing service guarantees a simple, clean and user-friendly design and of course pays attention to the protection of your personal data. Uploads on filegoat are secure and will be deleted after a short time, so your digital footprint will completely disappear after using our site.

File sharing has never been so easy! Security, speed and ease of use are what set us apart and offer an uncomplicated way to upload files and finally share them via link!